Calcium is considered one of the most important secondary elements. After macronutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium – the greatest need for plants is in calcium. It is calcium that is responsible for the preservation of cell membranes and for the production of functional phytohormones. Lack of calcium leads to cell deformation, death of roots and new shoots. SatoHum® Ca is a liquid formulation for all types of irrigation, especially recommended for foliar irrigation.
Calcium is poorly mobile, so calcium deficiency is immediately noticeable on young leaves, which become visibly smaller, irregular in shape, with twisted edges and yellowness around the perimeter. Prolonged calcium starvation provokes under-ripening of the fruit. SatoHum® Ca is based on a peat-sapropel mixture with a high content of humic and fulvic acids, which equalizes soil pH, betters moisture retention, effective absorption of macro and micronutrients, extends plant immunity to pathogens and external factors (strong wind, rain, drastic changes in temperature etc.).