

The cultivation of nut crops is especially common in warm regions, since nuts are moderate temperatures and light-loving plants, although they are cold-resistant, they don’t tolerate frost and strong cold winds.


Traditionally, nuts grow in arid regions. Intensive nut farming is practiced in the USA, Latin America (especially, in Mexico, Chile, Peru or Brazil), in South Europe (France, Greece, Italy, and Spain), Africa (Marroc, Tunisia), and in Southeast Asia (China and India).

Also Iran and Ucraine are important producers of nuts. The 40% af all exported nuts are from the USA, China or Chile.

More exotic nuts are cultivated in Latin America and Southeast Asia.

Intensive nut farming requires rootstocks grown in nurseries and varietal saplings, or grafting is performed by cuttings on a mature tree, not necessarily nut.

Nuts begin to bear fruit late, at the age of 3 to 8 years, but keep fruiting for a long time, up to 100 years or more. When laying nut plantations, the application of SatoSoil® conditioner is recommended to improve the looseness and buffering of the fertile layer and prevent suffocation of the saplings roots. In old nut orchards, SatoSoil® conditioners are used to improve the agrophysical properties of the soil and to correct soil acidity.

To maintain saplings and rootstocks in mother nurseries, root top dressing with organo-mineral fertilizers Sato® Turbo is suitable.

Foliar plant protection is performed by sprinkling with SatoHum® K liquid growth regulator, which has bactericidal and fungicidal properties, and successfully fights aphids, caterpillars and fungi.

Liquid plant nutrition with humic and fulvic acids from SatoHum® products copes with the deficiency of macro and micronutrients in nut trees.

4 Sato® Steps – recommendations for fertilization and top dressing for walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios

SatoSoil® Biome

Maintenance of fertile layer

Immunization of gardening plantations Post-harvest fertilization

Raising cold hardiness

Deep incorporation or mulching
0,5 – 1 kg/tree

SatoSoil® pHoenix

Replanting of gardens

Correction of saline and acidic soils

Deep incorporation
0,6 – 1,2 kg/m²

SatoHum® K or
Sato® Turbo

Watering the soil improver 
2 – 6 ml/10 l of water








Sato® Turbo NPK

Top dressing of nursery gardens

Beginning of the growing cycle

Biostimulation of growth
10 ml/10 l of water

SatoHum® K

Supplemental potassium feeding

Increasing plant immunity

Soaking the roots of seedlings
10 ml/10 l of water

0,1 – 0,3 l/ha


SatoHum® Complex

Bud development



No more than 3 applications/cycle:
0,1 – 0,3 l/ha

SatoHum® K

Pest and disease control 
30 – 40 ml/10 l of water

In organic farming, it’s used in any non-root irrigation no more than 3 times per growing cycle
15 – 20 ml/10 l of water

Sato® Turbo micronutrients (B, Mo, Zn, Mn)

Fruit ripening

Correction of nutritional deficiencies
0,3 l/ha


SatoHum® Complex

Mass gain of nuts
0,3 l/ha


WARNING AND GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS: 4 Sato® Steps is a comprehensive crop care system that provides the basic crop needs for the main 12 macro, meso and micronutrients for an optimal growing cycle and unlocking the potential of each crop.

SOILS: In pre-sowing application of SatoSoil® improvers, the minimum rate is introduced; when autumn applying, the maximum rate is recommended. When applying Sato® Turbo organo-mineral fertilizers after SatoSoil® improvers, the minimum rate is applied; if the soil hasn’t been treated, the maximum rate is applied. For irrigation, it’s recommended to activate granulates (soil improvers) with SatoHum® K liquid formulation or Sato® Turbo NPK liquid organo-mineral product.

SEEDS/SEEDLINGS/VEGETATION BEGINNING: Treatment of seeds and seedlings with SatoHum® K formulation is compatible with treatment by classical protectants without reducing the rates of their application, and helps to increase the viability of seedlings, the development of the plant and its fruitfulness.

GROWTH: Our SatoHum® solutions have a guaranteed composition with high content of humic and fulvic acids with amino acids of plant origin. It is not recommended to exceed the total applying dose of SatoHum® liquid formulations over 6 l/ha/season, starting from the germination/seedlings phase. If SatoHum® K is used for prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to apply the minimum dose.

HARVEST: Simultaneous fertilization with several SatoHum® products is not expected, excepting the soil improver’s activation. It’s not recommended to exceed the specified application rates. For single, not systemic application of SatoHum® products, the maximum dosage of the product is recommended.

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