

The economic value of corn is obvious – it is both a table and fodder and industrial crop at the same time, one of the most popular in the world.


A distinction is made between favorable and unfavorable predecessor crops in the corn crop rotation. Legumes and winter wheat are considered favorable, and among the unfavorable ones are called sugar beet and potato, which noticeably dry up humus. A balanced moisture level is important for corn; water deficiency negatively affects growth and pollination, which leads to incomplete ripening of the cobs.


Critical phenodates for corn are the heading phase (tassel formation and pollination), the flowering phase and milky ripeness, when the need for moisture is especially high. To retain moisture, in addition to watering itself, it’s important to nourish the soil with humates.

Corn is susceptible to numerous diseases caused by pathogenic fungi in the bioactive soil environment: nigrosporiosis, corn and loose smut, diplodia, fusarium, red rot and anthracnose. In addition to diseases, corn has many natural pests – larvae, beetles, caterpillars and moths. For seed treatment before sowing and after harvesting to increase the keeping quality of grains, we recommend the use of SatoHum® K, which has fungicidal and bactericidal action. To improve the fertile upper layer and reduce the pathogenic environment, we have developed our soil improvers line SatoSoil®.


Corn doesn’t tolerate weeds and is sensitive to excess nitrogen, so the right nutrients must be delivered to each phase of the growing cycle. Sato® Turbo organo-mineral fertilizers gradually release organic matter and form insoluble complexes with nitrates.

Liquid growth regulators SatoHum® help to gain biomass and improve the absorption of macronutrients, expand plant resistance to high temperatures, and strengthen cell walls. 

4 Sato® Steps – recommendations for fertilization and top dressing for corn

SatoSoil® Biome

Preservation of fertile layer during crop rotation

Incorporation to a depth up to 16 cm
5 – 10 t/ha

Single application before sowing
2 – 5 t/ha

SatoSoil® pHoenix

Soil recovery after unfavorable predecessors

Correction of acidic and saline soils

Deep plowing up to 18 cm
4 – 8 t/ha

SatoHum® K or
Sato® Turbo NPK

Watering the soil improver
2 – 6 l/ha

SatoHum® K

Viable seeds

Coordinated seedlings

Pathogen protection
0,3 – 0,6 l/t

Sato® Turbo NPK

Stimulation of biocenosis

Gradual release of minerals
2 – 2,5 l/ha

SatoHum® Complex / Sato® Turbo 6-12-8

Prevention of lodging

Correction of phosphorus lack

Alignment with the reference crop
1,5 – 2,5 l/ha

Sato® Turbo micronutrients

Developmental delay

Lingering rains


Growth intensification
2 – 2,5 l/ha

Sato® Turbo K-Zn /Sato® Turbo K-Cu

Chlorosis and spots – lack of copper or zinc
1,5 – 2,5 l/ha

Sato® Turbo K-Mn / Sato® Turbo K-B

Deformation of young leaves, whitish spots
1,5 – 2,5 l/ha

SatoHum® K

Increasing the keeping quality of grain and cobs
0,3 – 0,6 l/t


WARNING AND GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS: 4 Sato® Steps is a comprehensive crop care system that provides the basic crop needs for the main 12 macro, meso and micronutrients for an optimal growing cycle and unlocking the potential of each crop.

In pre-sowing application of SatoSoil® improvers, the minimum rate is introduced; when autumn applying, the maximum rate is recommended. When applying Sato® Turbo organo-mineral fertilizers after SatoSoil® improvers, the minimum rate is applied; if the soil hasn’t been treated, the maximum rate is applied. For irrigation, it’s recommended to activate granulates (soil improvers) with SatoHum® K liquid formulation or Sato® Turbo NPK liquid organo-mineral product.

Treatment of seeds and seedlings with SatoHum® K formulation is compatible with treatment by classical protectants without reducing the rates of their application, and helps to increase the viability of seedlings, the development of the plant and its fruitfulness.

Our SatoHum® solutions have a guaranteed composition with high content of humic and fulvic acids with amino acids of plant origin. It is not recommended to exceed the total applying dose of SatoHum® liquid formulations over 6 l/ha/season, starting from the germination/seedlings phase. If SatoHum® K is used for prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to apply the minimum dose.

Simultaneous fertilization with several SatoHum® products is not expected, excepting the soil improver’s activation. It’s not recommended to exceed the specified application rates. For single, not systemic application of SatoHum® products, the maximum dosage of the product is recommended.

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