

After cereals, legumes are the second most popular. This includes table, fodder and industrial crops: green and white beans, green and grain peas, lentils, chickpeas (white peas), soybeans and many others. Peas, chickpeas and lentils are among the cold-resistant crops of a long daylight hours, and southern legumes – soybeans and beans – are among the more heat-loving short-day crops. All legumes need crop rotation and cereals are considered the most favorable predecessors.


Legumes are very susceptible to nitrogen, thanks to nitrogen fertilizers protein synthesis occurs, which all legumes are rich in. The first application of SatoSoil® improvers is performed in autumn when plowing to preserve the fertile soil layer after predecessors.

Application of organic fertilizers – manure, compost and vermiculite – mixed with SatoSoil® conditioners, which suppress the overly bioactive green manure environment, is recommended.

If no autumn treatment is performed, than a pre-sowing soil conditioning is suggested. Sato® Turbo or SatoHum® liquid formulations activate the applied soil improver.

If the agrochemical composition of the soil requires it and pre-sowing inoculation of seeds is not carried out, the starting organo-mineral formulations Sato® Turblo NPK are applied. 

For seeds’ treatment, the SatoHum® K growth regulator is favorable thanks to its disinfectant action, which improves the immunity of seeds and seedlings and protects sprouts from pathogens, ensuring simultaneous seedlings. When applying bio-inoculants, a compatibility check with our humate is required to avoid the effect of suppressing beneficial rhizobia bacteria in root nodules.

During the growing season, legumes have many natural pests and pathogens. To enhance the legumes’ own defenses, the SatoHum® Complex with amino acids is used, which promotes the production of specific phytohormones and strengthens the stress resistance of plants before parasite attacks.

Signs of nutrient deficiency in legumes
4 Sato® Steps – recommendations for fertilization and top dressing for peas, beans, soybeans and other legumes

SatoSoil® Biome

Preservation of fertile layer

Incorporation to a depth of 15 cm
Autumn or pre-sowing soil fertilization
5 – 10 t/ha

SatoSoil® pHoenix

Restoration of saline and acidic soils

Deep plowing up to 18 cm
4 – 8 t/ha

SatoHum® K or
Sato® Turbo NPK

Watering the soil improver
2 – 6 l/ha

Sato® Turbo NPK

Biostimulation with mineral substances
1,5 – 2,5 l/ha

SatoHum® Complex

Systemic micronutrient
1 – 2 l/ha

Sato® Turbo micronutrients

Correction of specific meso and micronutrients starvation
1,8 – 2 l/ha

SatoHum® Complex

Increasing plant immunity

Stress resistance to pests attacks
1,2 – 1,8 l/ha

Sato® Turbo NPK

Growth intensification
2 l/ha

Sato® Turbo K-B /Sato® Turbo K-Mo /Sato® Turbo K-Zn

Feeding with micronutrients
1,6 – 2,0 l/ha

SatoHum® K

Increasing the keeping quality of grain
0,3 – 0,8 l/t


WARNING AND GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS: 4 Sato® Steps is a comprehensive crop care system that provides the basic crop needs for the main 12 macro, meso and micronutrients for an optimal growing cycle and unlocking the potential of each crop.

In pre-sowing application of SatoSoil® improvers, the minimum rate is introduced; when autumn applying, the maximum rate is recommended. When applying Sato® Turbo organo-mineral fertilizers after SatoSoil® improvers, the minimum rate is applied; if the soil hasn’t been treated, the maximum rate is applied. For irrigation, it’s recommended to activate granulates (soil improvers) with SatoHum® K liquid formulation or Sato® Turbo NPK liquid organo-mineral product.

Treatment of seeds and seedlings with SatoHum® K formulation is compatible with treatment by classical protectants without reducing the rates of their application, and helps to increase the viability of seedlings, the development of the plant and its fruitfulness.

Our SatoHum® solutions have a guaranteed composition with high content of humic and fulvic acids with amino acids of plant origin. It is not recommended to exceed the total applying dose of SatoHum® liquid formulations over 6 l/ha/season, starting from the germination/seedlings phase. If SatoHum® K is used for prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to apply the minimum dose.

Simultaneous fertilization with several SatoHum® products is not expected, excepting the soil improver’s activation. It’s not recommended to exceed the specified application rates. For single, not systemic application of SatoHum® products, the maximum dosage of the product is recommended.

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To order our products or get an exhaustive consultation, write to us at info@satohum.by. We will respond within 24-48 hours.

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Request a price on our products, ask about the possibility of cooperation in your country or region, or make any other question. We reply within 24-48 hours.
