We placed in a separate section those SatoHum® products that can be used not only as organic or organo-mineral fertilizers, but are also used to solve specific problems, regardless of crops or phenological phases of plant growth.
We have experience in rehabilitating depleted lands and eliminating environmental damage on soils and in water bodies, we prepare formulations for specific hydroponics nutrient formulations, for improving urban green environment and professional lawns, as well as for pre-sowing preparation.
SatoSoil® solid products are based on our valuable raw material – peat-sapropel mixture, rich in humic substances, which have a lot of useful properties.
If the lands require protective and containment plantings, organo-mineral fertilizers Sato® Turboand growth regulators SatoHum® can also be used, which will precisely feed and strengthen the plants.
When revegetating and rehabilitating depleted lands and objects of accumulated damage, it’s important to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the site: photo, video and aerial records, have data from one or more soil and water analyzes, identify and classify in laboratory all types of pollutants and determine possible methods for restoring such lands and water bodies.
Peat-sapropel mixtures belong to physical and chemical disinfectant methods and are one of the means of disinfecting neglected areas. Systemic assessment of the state of land and groundwater is required, as well as surveillance of gas emissions and atmospheric transport, and a complete approach to cleaning and the use of such compounds that will bring the greatest benefit in the shortest possible time.
Of particular interest in this regard are preparations that neutralize highly toxic waste from the industrial agriculture. On the path to a bio-circular economy, it’s important to make efforts to reduce the possible risks from waste such as bird droppings, filter sludge and gas and dust emissions from sugar production or when working in storage facilities with obsolete or banned pesticides.
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Request a price on our products, ask about the possibility of cooperation in your country or region, or make any other question. We reply within 24-48 hours.
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Request a price on our products, ask about the possibility of cooperation in your country or region, or make any other question. We reply within 24-48 hours.