SatoSoil® Biome General recovery of the fertile soil layer (alternate husbandry) Incorporation to a depth up to 16 cm or single application with mulch 5 – 10 t/ha SatoSoil® pHoenix Removal of nitrates and correction of acidic and saline soils Deep plowing up to 18 cm, the norm depending on the condition of the soil 5 – 20 t/ha | SatoHum® K Seed treatment Treatment in a tank mix with a disinfectant 0,8 l/t seed Sato® Turbo NPK Biostimulation of germination Root top dressing Gradual release of macronutrients Winter/Spring Wheat 2 – 6 l/ha SatoHum® K or Sato® Turbo NPK Solid soil improvers activation 2 – 6 l/ha | SatoHum® Complex Tillering improvement Chlorosis – lack of iron Correcting excess of moisture First seedlings 1 l/ha SatoHum® Complex Adverse weather conditions (wind, hail, rain) Stress resistance in the phase of stem extension and grain formation 1,5 – 2 l/ha Sato® Turbo NPK Growth intensification 2 – 4 l/ha | SatoHum® K/ Sato® Turbo K-B/ Sato® Turbo K-Cu / Sato® Turbo K-Mn Plumping and ripening Grain maturation 1,0 – 2 l/ha Sato® Turbo 26-0-3 Milky ripeness Wax ripeness Full ripeness Tillering and stem extension Milky ripeness 1,5 l/ha | SatoHum® K Prevent germination of grain in the spike or on the roots Stable state of rest 0,6 – 1 l/t SatoHum® K Harvest treatment 0,8 l/t | |