Soil Conditioners SatoSoil®

Soil Conditioners SatoSoil®
SatoHum® - healthy soils, seedlings and fruits

Sapropel is low-lying lake and swamp silt formed in fresh water bodies. It’s extremely rich in organic matter of animal and vegetable origin. From year to year, low-lying layers are replenished with new ones, that is, unlike coal or oil, sapropels and peat are renewable fossils. Natural Resources and Science SIA conducts competent and rational elaboration of sapropel deposits and lowland peat, observing the principle of sustainable management, works with the precious raw materials of our land as carefully and waste-free as possible.



For the production of soil improvers, which are also commonly called soil conditioners, we use a peat-sapropel mixture from lowland peat and properly sapropel.

Sapropel has an exceptional ability to neutralize natural acidity or acidity acquired due to the irrational use of mineral fertilizers, while lowland peat corrects soil friability and serves as a buffer for microelements.


Without any additives and special treatment, the peat-sapropel mixture obtained from pure raw materials is a highly effective organic fertilizer in itself. Sapropel soil improvers SatoSoil® are able to reduce the content of nitrates in humus, improve the mechanical structure of soils, moisture retention and gradual absorption of water and trace elements, as well as prevent the entry of radionuclides into plants, and activate soil biological processes.


Our advantage lies in the use of high-tech production methods, which guarantees a consistently reproducible functional composition of our soil improvers and the optimal content of humic and fulvic acids in combination with the necessary low molecular weight amino acid complexes (lysine, leucine, proline, arginine, cysteine, etc.), macro and microelements and bioactive compounds.

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By product format

Type of processing


Liquid products SatoHum® activate solid soil improvers SatoSoil®. Below in the table of applications, the application rates are given separately, if watering is performed with water with SatoHum® liquid compositions dissolved in it.

SatoSoil® soil improvers have a relatively low absolute humidity, 18-25%, similar to the average absolute humidity of agricultural lands, therefore, after application and mixing with the arable horizon (top layer of soil) or with mulch with zero tillage, abundant watering is required – for uniform moisture absorption and the first interaction with the recipient soil (receiving land).


The start of the chemical reaction of the soil improver with the soil depends on a number of factors: the temperature of the soil and the soil improver itself, the degree of decomposition of the humus of the topsoil of the recipient soil, the bioactivity of the soil microbiota, the presence of active pathogens and mobile toxins in it, etc.


Our technologists recommend the activation of the soil improver with SatoHum® liquid formulations, because there is a stable formation of “key-lock” reactions with amino acids of SatoHum® liquid solutions and chains of humic and fulvic acids of soil improvers SatoSoil®, which triggers the work of granulates and full interactive splicing and interaction with the recipient earth.



Product Name Application rate of soil improver SatoSoil® Application rate of SatoHum® solution into irrigation water Method of application
SatoSoil® Biome + SatoHum® К 5 – 20 t/ha

(0,5 – 2 kg/1 m²)

6 l/ha (0,6 ml/1 m²) Incorporation to a depth of 12-16 cm and abundant watering

With zero soil treatment (No-Till system), application on top of the soils together with mulch, without mixing and abundant watering

SatoSoil® pHoenix + SatoHum® К 5 – 20 t/ha

(0,5 – 2 kg/1 m²)

6 l/ha (0,6 ml/1 m²) Incorporation to a depth of 12-16 cm and abundant watering
SatoSoil® pHoenix Petroil + SatoHum® К 5 – 20 t/ha

(0,5 – 2 kg/1 m²)

6 l/ha (0,6 ml/1 m²) Incorporation to a depth of 15-20 cm and abundant watering
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